


Activism: Occupying the Imagination, Cultivating a New Politics

​This excellent article provides an in-depth analysis of the current political landscape in the US as it relates to globalization, changes in the economy, future demographic changes, the resurgence of conservatism, the death of multiculturalism, and the occupy movement.

By: Vijay Prashad

My heart makes my head swim - Franz Fanon, "Black Skin, White Masks"

Part I: Bare Life
Reports and rumors filter out of government documents and family distress signals to locate precisely the ongoing devastation of social life in the United States. Unemployment rates linger at perilously high levels, with the effective rate in some cities, such as Detroit, stumbling on with half the population without waged work. Home foreclosures fail to slow-down, and sheriffs and debt-recovery paramilitaries scour the landscape for the delinquents. Personal debt has escalated as ordinary people with uneven means of earning livings turn to banks and to the shady world of personal loan agencies to take them to the other side of starvation. Researchers at the RAND Corporation tell us that absent family support, poverty rates among the elderly will be about double what they are now. In other words, economist Nancy Folbre’s “invisible heart” is trying its best to hold back the noxious effects of the “invisible hand.”

Read the full article here.

Michael Moore, Vandana Shiva, y otras figuras hablan sobre las grandes corporaciones, el comercio, y la democracia.

Activism: Governing With 'Class': Politics The Bloomberg Way

A new book argues that the popular image of Mike Bloomberg as a post-ideological mayor misses the profound way he has reshaped New York for the benefit of the corporate elite.

By Julian Brash

As only the fourth modern New York mayor to secure a third term, Michael Bloomberg's impact will be deeply etched in the city's physical shape and political culture. But it won't be a simple legacy. In “Bloomberg's New York: Class and Governance in the Luxury City”, Julian Brash argues that the mayor's aversion to traditional politics was, in fact, the hallmark of a new kind of politics—one that reconciled tensions between government and corporations by remaking the former in the image of (and for the benefit of) the latter. Here is an excerpt:

Read the full article here.


Lawyer, musician, actor, and politician Ruben Blades blends activism with Afro-Cuban rhythms to bring attention to social issues. 

Quienes Somos
Reconociendo las muchas necesidades existentes enla comunidad Latina, Soundtrack 7 y Libreria Calima trabajan de manera organica por el desarrollo, fortalecimiento y...
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8 Deciciones Para Cambiar Tu Vida.
Herramientas practicas para crecimiento personal
Libreria Calima
le ofrece todo tipo de libros en español.

Visitenos en el 56-15 de Roosevelt avenue Woodside, NY o llamenos al (718) 478-9820

"Una hogar sin libros es un cuerpo sin alma."

Historia, Motivacion, Clasicos, Metafisica
Poesia, Infantiles, Salud, Autoayuda, Diccionarios y mas, mucho mas!!
Proximos Eventos en Soundtrack 7
Mas detalles en la pagina de eventos
Precione aqui: 
In the words of Walt Whitman, “I sing the body electric,” as referenced by Kahlil Gibran, “in the depth of my soul there is a wordless song.” It is apparent there is universality in music. The underlying premise is that we are all connected by a bonding force that we have an awareness of, music acts as a conduit to that awareness. It reveals emotional states that exceed our capability to express i
n words. In contemporary terms, “can you feel it,” relates to the same notion of there being some unidentifiable presence, a presence that exposes our physical body to the resonating vibrations of truth. In Aldous Huxleys’ Doors of Perception, he shares with us the reference to a common bond experienced through sight and sound. Huxley further discloses, “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” Our bodies have a subconscious tonal perception to the celestial symphony. We are a product of life’s sonic origins.

It would certainly seem all the world over, same song. Or should we say… all the Universe over, same song.

“I Sing The Body Electric” by Walt Whitman
“Song of the Soul XXII” by Kahlil Gibran
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) published 1954, Harper & Brothers

The Power of Music and Where it Comes From

Este video examina el origen de la musica de acuerdo a la metafisica.

Este video examina la relacion entre la musica  y la salud.
Literatura: Vargas Llosa gana la primera edición del Premio Carlos Fuentes
El escritor hispano-peruano Mario Vargas Llosa es el primer ganador del Premio Internacional Carlos Fuentes a la creación literaria, que ha instituido el Gobierno mexicano para rendir homenaje al escritor, fallecido el pasado 15 de mayo, y “reconocer el trabajo de quienes, a través de sus letras, engrandecen la patria de la Ñ y enriquecen la literatura universal con sus poemas, novelas, ensayos y cuentos que estimulan la imaginación y el sentido crítico del lector”.
El jurado estaba compuesto por José Manuel Blecua, Marcos Martos Carrera, Jaime Labastida, Darío Jaramillo Agudelo, Eduardo Casar, Gonzalo Celorio e Ignacio Padilla. En nombre de todos, Blecua, director de la Real Academia Española, leyó el acta en la que se destaca la “contribución al enriquecimiento del patrimonio literario de la humanidad” de Vargas Llosa, premio Nobel de Literatura 2012.  Leer mas.
Arte: Carribean: Crossroads of the World
At El Museo del Barrio, ends January 6, 2013.

The exhibition Caribbean: Crossroads of the World is the culmination of nearly a decade of collaborative research and scholarship organized by El Museo del Barrio in conjunction with the Queens Museum of Art and The Studio Museum in Harlem. Presenting work at the three museums and accompanied by an ambitious range of programs and events, Caribbean: Crossroads offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore the diverse and impactful cultural history of the Caribbean basin and its diaspora. More than 500 works of art spanning four centuries illuminate changing aesthetics and ideologies and provoke meaningful conversations about topics ranging from commerce and cultural hybridity to politics and pop culture.